I wanted to do a little spotlight on Casen, because I was feeling bad the other day. Our video camera has been broken for a year now and I have missed so much footage of Casen. I have gotten little videos here and there on my camera video camera, but we really need to get a real video camera and start getting some of the funny things he does on tape. So I wanted to make a list of some of the funny things he does, so that at least maybe 15 years from now I can remember these things and laugh about them....
Funny things about Casen...
* He loves music. He is like Cade..whenever he hears a beat or a song, he has to dance to it.
*He loves to sing too. He is not shy. His favorite song to sing his "Soul Sista" by Train. And he thinks he knows all the words too. So freakin funny!
*He loves to copy the older kids. Anything they are doing, he wants to be doing too.....whether it is swimming in the hot tub, riding bikes, sitting at the counter playing, etc.
*He is a phone Nazi. And I know it is because of Matt. I do not answer my phone that great, but Matt always answers his. So whenever my phone rings, Casen either brings it to me, or he comes in and lets me know...with some grunts and other noises that my phone is ringing. I call him the phone Nazi.
*He is also obsessed with shoes. Once I put his shoes on to go and run errands...good luck getting them off. I have to make everyone take their shoes off for him to take his off. And when we are getting ready to go somewhere, he goes and picks everyone elses shoes out for them. And I have to admit, he does a pretty good job of matching them too.
*He loves to be outside with Matt, when Matt comes home at night or on the weekends and is working in the garage or in the yard. And he loves to be downstairs with the kids too, if they are down there playing. I think he gets CABIN FEVER, on the main floor with me all day.
*He also loves to snuggle with his favorite green silky and brown silky blankets and a "babba" right before naptime or bedtime. This is why I am not ready to take him off the bottle yet....I love snuggling with him.
*I love it when he wants to get in the bath at night with the kids...so I take off his clothes and diaper and he runs to the bathroom naked. I just laugh because he is this minature little thing, with this minature butt, but all this butt cellulite. So freakin funny! I love it!
*He loves to play with Cade, even though Cade is so rough with him. Cade treats him like he is another 5 year old. So Casen knows he is not suppose to bite, but when it comes to Cade teasing him, it is his only defense mechanism...so he threatens Cade with this CHOMPERS. It is so funny!
*He also loves popsicles. The minute you say the word POPSICLE, it is all over from there. He cannot forget about it until he gets one. It is the same way with Candy. We have to hide our candy at our house now. OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND.
*He is also obsessed with the counter.....which is actually scary for me. He wants to sit on the barstools like the kids, up to the counter. So I cannot keep him off the counter. He has only fallen a few times, with no major injuries. Lets hope it stays this way.
*He gets so excited for the kids to come home. He goes and meets them out at the fence everyday, where they walk home from the bus. It is so cute to see him run out there and give them loves and kisses. He is also very affectionate and loves to give soft kisses. (JUST ASK NANNY.)
*He can also be very hyper, if he slept too long or if he is just excited to see dad after a long day of work...it is almost impossible to sit on the couch and relax if he wants to play. He is all over the place....jumping on you, jumping on the couch, etc. I try to keep him off my pregnant belly and it is hard.
*His new word is FART. So hilarious. And he knows it is embarrassing too. The other day, I farted and said..."Oops, mommy farted." And he just kept saying FART and laughing. Then he farted later and so did Matt and he would say FART and SMILE and GIGGLE. So funny how he only knows like 20 words and one of them is fart.
*He totally understands everything I tell him to do too. Matt will always say, " I think he is smarter than a dog now." And I always laugh because he is WAY SMARTER THAN A DOG. It is amazing at 21 months, how much he understands.
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