Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Family Cabin in Star Valley

This last weekend we went up to the cabin in Star Valley, Wyoming with some of Matt's family. We got there late Friday night because Corey had a baseball game until 8:00 PM. So we did not get up there until midnight and I don't think the kids got to bed till 1 AM in the morning. Casen was a pain in the butt at nighttime because he is used to being in a closed room with no noise....but up at the cabin it is all open and not everyone goes to sleep at 9 PM. So he stayed up late everynight and had a hard time getting to sleep...which wore me out too. I had fun, but was definitley glad to get home to my own bed and have Casen in his own bed...

Saturday was fun. We got up and just let the kids play and explore for a few hours. They took a bunch of golf cart rides and motorcycle rides. And they played on the hammock. They fed the squirrels and the birds.

Then we all got ready and went into town to a nice lunch place for pizza and subs. We also visited the cheese factory there for some free fudge samples. Then we got a few groceries for dinner... and went back to the cabin. We all went down to the pool for a few hours to get a tan and let the kids swim. It was about 75 degrees with a slight breeze. We were all wishing it was a tad bit warmer. Then that night...while Matt and Toph went golfing.. the girls watched a chick flick while Regan made us all a dutch oven dinner of Ribs and Potatoes/Bacon. We did help a little, but I will definitley give him all the credit. It was a FINE MEAL! And Matt actually did the dishes that night after dinner. It was amazing. We ended up watching another movie that night and then crashing around midnight again....while struggling to get the babies to bed.

Then Sunday for Fathers Day we had all agreed to go to breakfast for the boys morning meal. But Mandy and Regan and Brit and Toph had to get back home. So we ended up cleaning the cabin up and leaving around noon. It was a fun and relaxing weekend, but I always wish we could stay a day or two longer. It is so far away and always such a quick weekend. The kids did end up bringing up Matt's gifts they had made him for Fathers Day and gave those to him. He told us not to buy him a real gift this year because he ordered a tool box for his new truck he bought about a month ago.

It was a fun weekend and I think the guys enjoyed spending their Fathers Day weekend up there in the country!

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