Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Fun

 Matt got our fire started in the backyard cause the kids were dying to make smores...

Crew always has to be a BIG BOY...sitting in the big boy chair and eating BIG BOY chips.

Crew is obsessed with shoes....this time he was wearing daddy's shoes, but he wears every ones shoes.

Look where we found Crew... Casen left his chair up and Crew was helping himself to Casen's leftover watermelon. (In our house right now, we have to lay all of our barstools on the ground when we are done using them or Crew gets on the counter. So annoying!)

4th of July Weekend- at the Cruise-In.......Mandy/Regans family came and hung out and Brit/Toph were in town too visiting. So fun!

All the cousins!

Cole and Crew

Corey,Riding in the Hot Rod with Uncle Regan & Jordyn.....

Cade and Casen riding in the Hot Rod with Grandpa Norm....

Summer Mornings Lounging

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