Friday, July 27, 2012

Big Time Rush Concert

 The Easter Bunny gave Corey and the Twins tickets to the Big Time Rush Concert for Easter. They were so thrilled! And they finally got to go. Lymley and I took the girls down on a Wednesday night in July down to SLC to Usana for the concert. We first stopped at Zuppas to eat (my first good) and then we headed over to the concert. They wore matching outfits and their hair the same way! I think they got asked if they were twins like 10 times. They love it! They were so excited. None of them have ever been to a concert, so they didn't know what to expect  and they kept asking ARE WE THERE YET?

They made the cutest signs and they would not let us bring them in.The girls were so bummed! I guess the stage manager asked that NO SIGNS BE ALLOWED!

We let the girls find their seats. It was pretty hot at first, so we decided to walk around for a little bit!

Checking out the stage....

As we were walking around, the girls were staring through this fence and spotted JAMES, one of the band members. They started screaming and all of a sudden 20 girls come screaming out of no where. I thought the fence was going to get pushed over. I guess JAMES was eating a banana or something and came out of his trailer and waved. The girls were so giddy. It was cute!

Getting ready with their glow sticks!

Rachel Crow was one of the opening of the top finalists from The X Factor.  She was cute....only 12 years old or so. She was good too! I felt bad for her cause it was so HOT!

Cody Simpson was another opening act. A lot of the girls came to see him. He was an awesome dancer and a great singer too. Think he might be from Australia or Europe somewhere. Cute accent. The girls liked him, but they were so eager for Big Time Rush.

Getting ready for BTR. The countdown begins. It was so cute to see them get so excited!

A video of when BTR first came out. They were so cute and thrilled!

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