Sunday, January 30, 2011

This Kid is so FREAKIN CUTE!

I can't stand it! This kid is so freakin cute! And tomorrow he is not going to be my BABY anymore. (I am suppose to go in to deliver our new little one.) He is the easiest baby and has been so much fun! Like I said before, he has really gotten into a few TV shows lately and he love to lay in my bed and watch HIS SHOWS. He is obsessed with TV now. He loves Diego, Ummi Zoomi, and The Bubble Guppies. And I swear he is really learning alot from these shows. Whoever said TV didn't teach kids things? If he keeps watching Dora and Diego, he might know Spanish soon! But I have been trying to get pics of him like this and they never turn out. My mom has been in town a few days now and got these pictures of him. I love them! He relaxes like an OLDER MAN with his hands behind his head and he always does this. It cracks me up. He even does this when I put him down for a nap, in his crib! I am not sure if he is just copying Matt or if he really thinks this is super comfortable. Anyway, just had to post these!

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