Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cade's End of Year 1st Grade Program

Cade's End of the Year Program for 1st grade was cute! Cade was grinning so big that it was making me tear up because I kept thinking of my parents and how I wish they lived closer so they could come to stuff like this. He was so cute singing his songs. I even got a few on video. But I did have to bring Casen and Crew and they were kind of naughty. So I had a hard time sitting through all of it. By the end I was sweating and could not wait for it to be over, so I could strap Crew in the car and relax a little. I hate to WISH that Crew would grow up because he is so cute at this stage, but he is a PAIN IN THE BUTT! He is definitely my hardest kid. SO BUSY! I think I need to have him looked at and checked for ADD already. He is a nut case! Won't even sit still long enough to eat. And I feel bad cause he lives in that stroller at school events, soccer games and soon to be all of Cade's baseball games. But I can't keep track of him. He does not care if I am around or following him. He just runs and EXPLORES! I am going to start calling him DIEGO or DORA (the Explorer)!

 Can't believe Cade is going to be in 2nd grade. My kids are growing up right in front of me!

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