Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School

Today was Corey and Cade's first day of school. They were so excited last night, they had a hard time falling asleep. Cade started 1st grade today with Mrs. Allred and Corey started 3rd grade today with Mrs. Campbell. We got up a little too early today because I wanted to curl Coreys hair for the first day (it probably wont happen again). Anyways,we got ready a little early and had some lag time, but it was the first day and we were not quite sure when the bus came. So we made it to the bus a little early, but  the new bus driver got confused and almost didn't pick the kids up. But they made it to school and had a fun day! Cade loved the school lunch hot dog and he loves his class. He loves his friends on the bus and the kids in his class. And they all seem to be happy! Cade was a little worried that he lost his $100 lunch check that I sent with him for the next couple months, but we dug in his backpack and found it and all it good! And Corey loves her class and her teacher and the kids in her class. They are excited to go tomorrow too! And Cade actually did OK lasting the whole day instead of a half day! I was a little worried about the transition, but he seems fine! Yeah for school starting!

Poor Casen though....was so bored today! I usually do not have to keep him busy when the other kids are home, but I had to keep finding stuff for him to do today! And it was only 10:00 this morning when he asked if we could go and get the kids from the bus stop. So lets just hope his naps last really long and let the day go by faster for him and me or we might have to plan some play dates with the neighbor kids!

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