Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Crew's 2 year old Birthday

Can't believe my baby  is 2 years old. His birthday was Jan. 31st, a Thursday! It is kind of to see them progress and get bigger, but also sad to watch them grow up; especially when it is your last child.  Crew has been a real trouble maker in our family and I hope that 2 years old will be easier, but who knows, it might be even harder. We will just have to take one day at a time.

Crew woke up on the morning of his birthday and we kept telling him he was the birthday boy and singing happy birthday to him. He was so cute. He knew it was his special day. I caught him trying to open his presents like 3  or 4 times that day. After lunch, I took the Crew and Casen to get balloons and Crew's cake. It was so funny. In Wal-Mart, Crew threw a fit, when we picked his cake out because he wanted a BITE NOW! So hard to explain the basics to kids 2 years old. It was also nap time, so he was falling apart. We took him home and I think he had a 3 hour nap that day. I kept thinking...this is MY DREAM BDAY.....a 3 hour nap. After the kids got home from school and daddy from work, we hurry and ate the kids favorite...PANDA EXPRESS. Crew would  not eat. I don't know if he was just too excited! Not sure! Then afterwards we let Crew open his presents and we had cake and ice cream!

It was just a mellow bday. Corey had to go to soccer practice and kids had homework and all that good stuff. Mandy and her kids did come up for a little bit. We were babysitting her kids while her and Regan went tanning for our trip coming up. I forgot to get pics of her kids. But they helped us eat our cake and ice cream and the kids got to play with their cousins. It was a fun bday and mellow...just how I like it!

The next night, Friday night we decided to celebrate again. We met Mandy and Regan at Angie's, a restaurant here in town, and tried to CLEAN THE SINK. They bring this huge ice cream Sundae in a kitchen sink and if you finish it, you get your pic taken and  you can say you CLEANED THE SINK AT ANGIE'S. We did not even come close. There were 7 kids working on it and they did not get very far. The adults were all kinda grossed out. I had a few bites in the beginning before it got nasty and melted. The kids thought it was fun! It is something that is fun to do at least once! Crew was not really even into it and it was for his birthday. He just wanted to run all over the restaurant and make my experience miserable. Stinker! 
Happy Birthday BUD!

Angie's Restaurant...Trying to Clean the Sink

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