Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Chunky Lil' Monkey

This is my almost 8 week old chunky little monkey. These pics are more true to what he looks like. I love him. He is such a good baby. He loves to eat, but not anymore than my other kids. He just gains weight better, kinda like Cade did. Corey and Casen must have been more Thompson because they were my little runts. And Cade and Crew are more alike, must be Maughan, cause they gain weight at a rapid rate. He sure is growing up and we are enjoying every minute of it. 4 kids is not so bad. There are certain times where I want to pull my hair getting ready for school with a hungry baby and bedtime with a hungry baby. We are still learning to juggle that. And I think the whole "I am not the baby anymore" is finally hitting Casen. He is throwing some CRAZY AWESOME fits that really wear on my nerves and I feel like he is whining and crying all day long. So I am trying to pay more attention to him, but it is hard to balance it all out. He also want to be one of the big kids, which is hard too. One of these days, we will have it all figured out! I don't know how some moms have ALL their kids so close together. I have a few close together (4 under the age of 8) and I am pulling my hair out at certain hours of the day.
But I can't believe my little munchkin Crew is growing up so fast. My parents are coming out in 1.5 weeks and I am so excited. We decided to fly them out because it was cheaper and easier than me trying to take all 4 kids on an airplane, not to mention keeping them healthy. (My kids have all been sick this week, some of them having strep throat. So annoying! )So my mom gets to see him again and my dad gets to see him for the first time. I can't wait! He really has changed alot. It will be a short weekend, but still fun and special! Posted by Picasa

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