Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Day

The morning of Halloween the kids had a parade at their school and they got to show off their costumes to the parents and to the other students. This was the first time I have been to this parade at their new school! It was cute to see them and all the other neighborhood kids in their interesting costumes! And I think the kids like to have me their too. Casen liked it too!

I went with some of the nieghborhood ladies/friends out to lunch with our kids in their costumes and then afterwards we took them to the local grocery store to go trick-or-treating. It was fun for the kids. I have never done this before, but the kids liked it. Casen got a little scared in the haunted house and it was so funny because they give them other things too besides candy. For example they gave them a toothbrush, choc. milk, carrots, string cheese, etc. and everytime they gave him something besides candy he would say, "I not like this." I was laughing! But it was cute to see all the kids walking around with their little baskets. And it was also funny to see all the old people who were ticked that they chose to come grocery shopping on a day where the store was filled with kids trick-or-treating and in their way!

This was an hour or so before they kids started trick-or-treating!  They sure were hyper and that was before they ate the candy!

I even kind of dressed up a little!

It was so cute to see Casen try and keep up with the older kids. I was so afraid he was going to fall. We only had one injury of the night and it was in the first 5 minutes of trick-or-treating and it was Cade. And his costume held up. No holes just some skinned knees. Casen was also very picky about his candy. He did not want any chocolate bars with nuts, only Hersheys. And if someone did not have anything but candy bars he would say "No Thanks." And if they let him choose his candy, he took forever. He was into the nerds, laffy taffys, smarties, suckers, etc. He definitely was not living up to his costume. He was not Speedy Lightning McQueen. He was so slow! I love watching the kids trick-or-treat at this age.

Daddy being a good sport! He likes to watch the kids trick-or-treat too, as long as it is good weather!

Zonked out!

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