Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Fun Friday and Saturday in June

We had a fun weekend.....a couple weekends ago....with Corey's baseball game on Friday night and riding 4-wheelers in the backyard and then on Saturday Matt went in a small plane to Park City with one of his high school buddies (which I was freakin out about) while I took the kids to this hidden park by our house in Hyde Park. The kids loved the park. I think we stayed there for like 3 hours. We brought lunch there and ate. Then the kids just played their little hearts out. We even brought scooters and they rode those around for awhile. It was the coolest park. We also saw dad fly overhead in his friends plane. We were so glad he made it back safely. I love days like that where you don't have to be anywhere and you can stay however long you want to at the park. Even I enjoy it....so relaxing!

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