Sunday, June 5, 2011

Corey's Baptism & Crew's Blessing

Today was a really special day for our family. Corey was baptized and we also blessed Crew.

Friday was a really hard day for me...I was trying so hard to get all the last minute things cleaned, food bought for Brunch, and in the midst of all that I had a baby that needed to be tended to and a 2 year old that was not feeling well and throwing tantrums all day long. Then that night, I knew I had to have everything ready to go for the next morning and kids showered because we had to have our whole family ready and at the church by 8:30 AM which is craziness. Amazingly we did it.

We got to the church and Matt had to get changed and while he and Corey were having a little prep, I took the boys and went and found a seat in the chapel. It was a little stressful because Casen was being a pain in the butt and Cade was teasing and the baby wanted to be held. And I needed to make sure my grandpa found his way....long story short he found his way.... (It was really cute...during the program his phone rang and he was so embarrassed. I love gramps.) But there was an opening prayer and some great talks and then it was time for Corey to be baptized. There were about 10 kids getting baptized in the stake and so no one in our family had to give a talk. But Angie Hellstern, a friend in our ward, gave the Holy Ghost talk and she did great. Luckily our ward got to go first...which I was so excited about because Casen was being really hard.

So we got to the baptismal font room and Corey got to go first. She looked so cute. Matt baptized her and he did great and so did she. I met her in the bathrooms  afterwards and she was seriously glowing. I do not think I can ever get that image out of my head. She was lit up like a little angel and she was so excited. You could tell she was "clean as clean could be." She was shivering cause now she was cold. So we dressed her in her pretty new baptism dress, put her cute earings in, and combed her hair. She looked so pretty! Then we joined everyone else in another room for the confirmations. Matt gave another beautiful prayer. And then after a few more people said some words and her primary pianist gave the kids some blankets, as a present, it was already over. I was asked to give the closing prayer and I had a hard time getting through it because I was just really feeling the spirit that morning and I was missing my parents. (My mom was still not feeling well and so they were not able to make it). After the confirmations (Cody Chew and McKade Hellstern from our ward were also baptized and confirmed today), we then just asked our friends and family to stay and that is when they blessed Crew. It was a beautiful blessing and Matt had a hard time getting through it. I was really proud today...proud of Coreys decision to get baptized and how excited she was and I felt really blessed that Matt was able to do all those blessings. He really handled it all so well.

We then went back to our house for an awesome spread of breakfast foods. It was a little overwhelming.....the whole day..having to keep kids contained, feed everyone, feed my newborn, visit with everyone and take pictures, but amazinly enough, I felt the spirit through all of it. It was so nice to have my family and friends there to support me. Corey was sad the day was over and so was I.

People who came:  My Family, Nan & Norm, Mandy and Regan and their kids, Toph and Brit and their kids, Teisha and the twins, Em, Becca &; JR, Grandpa Allan, Aunt Marsha, Cheryl Maughan, Kyle and Alison Michaeli, The Bundersons, Beau and Amy Lefler and their kids, Dan and Marsha Thatcher and their kids, Alison Daugs and her 2 kids Ada and Avery, Tyler and Sherri Hoth, The Bishop, Monica Clark from the primary, and Corey's baseball coach Kevin Duke (a really special guy).

That night a bunch of friends and family got together again, up Green Canyon. All the guys went for a bike ride while the girls chatted at the campsite. Then we all ate hot dogs and visited the rest of the night. Becs and I did go for an hour bike ride or so later. It was a fun day. But now I am so exhausted. It is the first day of summer and I have no energy to clean my house or do anything. And I am OK with that!

I loved having my sisters here this weekend too & JR. I miss them and don't get to spend enough time with them. I did miss having my parents here, but I understand they are going through a hard time right now. I was thinking of them alot this weekend.

And then on Sunday, when they welcomed Corey to the ward...she had to go and stand on the stand, I was so proud of her. She was nervous, but she did great. I love her. She looked so pretty and cute! And then Matt kept teasing me that I had to bare my testimony because he had triple duty the day before and had to say 3 prayers. So I got the courage up and tried to have Corey bare hers too. But she was too nervous. I had a hard time getting through my testimony and cried thru the whole thing, but it felt good to share my feelings with the ward and my family. I am so appreciative of my blessings and my family and my good friends. It was a great that will always be close to my heart and always be remembered.

1 comment:

The Hoths said...

It sounds like it went perfect! It was good to see you and talk to you at Cafe Rio the other day. Your kids are darling and I can't believe how big Crew is getting, he is so cute!