Monday, November 8, 2010

Making Treats W/ Mommy

This morning, Casen and I were feeling like we needed some chocolate....OK, I was feeling like chocolate and Casen always loves to help me lick the bowl afterwards. So we decided to make some brownies and he looked so cute and messy afterwards, I just had to take a pic.
The other reason, for this blog, is I wanted to show everyone our new stool we got for Casen or should we say for Matt.....The stool is for Casen, but it is also for Matt so he can sleep at night. Casen thinks he is a tight rope walker on our barstools and it makes Matt crazy. He thinks he is going to break his neck. Casen has fallen a few times....the other day it was really bad where I was worried about his neck....So when our new HUGE HARDY STOOL came in the mail, it was a relief. Casen likes to be up to the counter with the other kids and so this really helps to make it so he can and he won't get hurt. Anyway, I guess it was worth the money, for Matt's sake. Casen loves it and he doesn't argue when I tell him to get in his new seat. Matt really is a worry wart and it drives me MAD, so this helps me too, so I don't have to hear him whine about not watchin Casen good enough at mealtimes. PRETTY CRAZY DUTY STOOL, HUH? Posted by Picasa


Toph and Brittany said...

Wow, that is a pretty awesome stool! Where did you find something like that? Casen is so cute, I was cracking up at the pictures you sent me because he has the cutest, funniest smile.

Thompson Family said...

We found it at sensational beginnings website. So worth getting Matt off my back....