Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Look how freakin cute my little boy's new haircut is? I am so in love. He had the longest and thinnest hair and I decided he needed a change. Especially since he is almost 1 now and he is growing up. I took him to a salon and they sat him on my lap and we gave him a sucker to keep in busy that was later covered in hair, but whatever it takes. He was whining and it was hard, but we made it through and look at the cute result. He looks older just with a little cut and some gel. But I am still a little mad at him from last night. He was so tired so I put him to bed at 7:00 and I paid for that. In the middle of the night, he woke up like 3-4 times and he was wide awake and laughing at like 4 AM this mornng. So maybe I will not put him to bed that early ever again. But who can stay mad at that mug for very long. LOVE HIM!

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