Saturday, December 17, 2011

Super Busy December

So this month has been super busy already, but isn't December always crazy busy? I think the more kids I get the crazier it gets. But I have managed to get a few pics of some of the things we have been able to do this month.

This first thing I did with the kids was to go and put some Christmas Decor on my grandparents graves. I am the only close relative and so it gives me a chance to help my parents show their love for their parents and for me to remember the memories with my Grandma Allan and My Grandma and Grandpa Maughan. We do this every change of the season.....spring, fall and winter. But it does confuse my 2 year old. He thought Grandma Christy and Papa (my parents) had died the other day. I had to try and explain that that wasn't the case!

I also had the chance to take Cade and Casen and their friends to a Polar Express Activity at Hamiltons Restaurant. They got to wear their PJ's, decorate cookies, and watch the Polar Express. And then at the end, they got to sit on Santa's lap for a pic. There was no time for talking though. It was getting late and the line for Santa was HUGE! But they sure enjoyed the activity! And Casen has not been afraid of Santa this year. In fact, I don't think he was afraid of him last year either. I love that! I think he sees his older brother and sister not scared and so he isn't either!

So another thing or should I say THINGS that have happened this month and that I have cost our family some money and that are not  GOOD MEMORIES are....I slipped on a neighbors slippery driveway, one night when it was snowing, with my car and hit their rock pillar. Their pillar was sturdy as ever and undamaged, but my car was a differerent story. I just barely got it back from the Body Shop. They had it for over a week. And now I am scared to drive it. It feels brand new again. I was driving Matt's truck all week, just hoping not to get it scratched or dirty! Cars are annoying! And so is the snow! Then we just took our family to the dentist and that was a major cost and I had to get a root canal.....freaking $850. I had to go to an Endodontist. What a joke! It took him 30 minutes and cost us so much! Ridiculous! So to say the least, I was expensive this month!

The kids also decorated Gingerbread Trains this month, the same time dad was watching the Dallas Game. They are "DEEAFYED" as Matt calls it. He tells them to go get "DEE-A-FYED" in their Dallas Cowboys stuff. The kids had fun decorating and were almost finished with their trains until Casen had to ruin the fun! He was crying that his nose hurt and then I could see that he had BLUE SNOT! He had stuck a tiny jawbreaker up his nose. Are you freakin serious? Matt was worried and pissed. He did not want to pay $800 to go to the ER because Casen had candy up his nose. We could see it with a flashlight. It was way up there and REALLY SMALL! So we put him in the bath, put water in one nostril and out the other, sucked with the baby booger suction, and after about an hour, MOM got it out. Cade even called me "A GENIUS." I think Matt was jealous cause he likes to be the GENIUS. But we sure got after Casen and everyday after that we have talked to him and reminded him to NEVER PUT STUFF UP HIS NOSE. Why do kids do that? Isn't it obvious it is going to fit up there and get stuck?

So this year, my parents and a couple of my sisters are coming to my house for Christmas. We are so excited. I debated about how many Christmas decorations to put out because Crew is into everything, but I decided to put them all out because my family would be here. Crew has finally gotten bored of the decorations and leaves them alone, for the most part, but it took a good 2 weeks. But if you haven't noticed, our tree is kind of ugly! It is only decorated about half way and up because Crew pulls everything off the tree. He really loves the lights when they are lit up!

Oh and he has started walking this week and he is only 10.5 months old. He is growing up so fast. He looks like a minature Frankenstein when he walks. He is picking it up so fast. And he has 4 teeth now! He is looking so much older. I am excited for my parents to see him!

1 comment:

Alison Daugs said...

Lots of craziness going on at your house. I am glad everything worked out with Casen and the nose thing. It is common right now. Nate and Christy's Shay did the same thing at school last week with a bead. Christy was the genius too and was able to get it out. They really didn't want to make that trip to the ER either. Kids do the darndest things. Have a great Christmas with your mom and sisters.