Thursday, January 10, 2013

He's Growing Up!

Casen as a baby....

His Halloween Costume that he never got to wear because he got SICK with a high fever on Halloween!


I can't believe Casen is 4 years old now. He is getting so big and grown up. It is making me sad! He was my hardest child labor because he was born at 2 AM and I was so exhausted! But he has been one of my easiest kids. He is so easy going and is easily entertained. And he is so funny! The funniest things come out of his mouth and he doesn't even try. He is a worry wart just like his dad and very cautious. He would never do anything dangerous! He is so grown up for his age. He protects his little brother Crew from eating anything "Chokey." And he helps me keep Crew out of trouble....always telling me when Crew is getting into something he shouldn't be. He loves to snuggle and always asks to snuggle with me. He obeys me really well too. And he loves electronics. He probably works them better then me!  He is in the stage of life where he is learning alot. He copies everyone and wants to do what all the older kids are doing! He loves candy and treats. And he is my pickiest eater....He keeps McDonalds and Panda Express in business. I love you Casen. Slow down and quit growing up! You are such a sweetheart!

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