Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Few More Fun Summer Days

I got to take my kids to another kids museum down in Ogden because Auntie Em had the day off of work and wanted to meet up. So we brought the cousins Reygan and Ryley too and they had a fun time. We were probably there for 4.5 hours and the kids did not get bored. I wondered if they would, but they stayed busy the whole time. And I got to visit with Em. It was fun. I love these museums because they have make believe stuff for the kids and the kids get to play and use their imaginations too. They also went to a little readers theater thing and Reygan got to be in it. And they went to the art center and made FISH HATS. They had fun! Casen did not remember it from last year when we went, but he was loving it. Me and Em just followed him around.

After we got home that night, we met the neighborhood at the local ice skating rink and the kids loved that. Our neighbors do it every other year....they rent it out and invite the neighbors for a fundraiser. They also provide pizza for everyone.  We missed it last time, so my kids were super excited to go this time. They had so much fun. It was almost impossible to get them out of there and it was ten o'clock. Matt and I even skated. We each pushed a kid in a stroller. They let you bring strollers on the ice. So Casen and Crew got to participate too. It was fun to see everyone and get caught up one last time before school starts next week.

Ice Skating Party with Neighbors....did not get very many pics.

Crew's 6 month shots....Isn't he the cutest? For as chubby as he is...he was only 20 % in weight at 17 lbs. and 25% in height at 27 inches. I thought he was so chubby, but maybe it is because he is so short.

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