Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Nice Compliment

Matt is out of town again, on a bike trip with friends, and I hate to stay we decided to go to breakfast this morning at IHOP. I was so excited because this grandma walked up to our table and told me I had the most well behaved children she had ever seen at a restaraunt. I was so excited. They were being really good, but it could have just been the day. They are not always like this.. But it made me feel really good.

One of those days where they were not being well-behaved was yesterday at the pool. It was one of those days...where you think to yourself..Why did I come?.. Casen got woke up from his nap and acted like a princess for about an hour...wanted to lay in the shade with a SNOW CONE and just being so whiny. And Crew was wanting to breastfeed all afternoon. And that is not easy to do in a bathing suit in the pool.  But it turned out OK. Casen finally snapped out of it and Crew finally fell asleep.

Cade also ended up being moved up in Swimming lessons this week to a higher class. I was pleasantly surprised.  And so I let him jump off the low dive and the high dive at the pool  yesterday and "What do ya know?" He can swim... HOLY COW! He can swim way better than I thought. So that makes me happy. The other day, at Seven Peaks, Matt let Cade go on this rope swing and he told me he swam about 15 feet to the side of the pool. So I was shocked he could do that. Good thing dad tried that out first and not me. So he is growing up right before my eyes and doing things I did not think he was capable of... Like I did not think he would be able to read by the end of this last year in Kindergarten and he can. So he is developing just fine and I feel bad that I did not have enough confidence in him.

 Love my kids! They love to go places like I do and they make my life so happy and complete.



Jen you really are super mom! I envy you. I hopt to be like you one day. I think your kids are well behaved. It's always nice to hear it from other people. I love you glad Casen a princess because I tell max that about Skyler.

Dan and Marsha said...

Jen I think you are one of the number one mom's out there, I love you and your kids, you are so amazing with them

Alison Daugs said...

Your kids always seem so good to me too! You do great and you are always so cool and collected. I stress a bit more than you. I think that how we act rubs off on the kids, so maybe I need t get a bit more cool and collected. It is always nice to be complimented, I agree! It makes all the work seem like it's not for nothing.