Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Corey' Real Birth Day- May 10th

I can't believe my daughter is 8 years old. It is so crazy to me. Her birthday fell on a Tuesday this year so we decided to do a little something with the family on her real birth day. For her birthday I gave her the option of curly hair for school or crepes for breakfast and she chose crepes. I told her I would not have time to do both. So I had to wake up a little earlier to make crepes. My kids love those. I had also bought some balloons the night before to set up in the kitchen with her NEW BIKE. That was her gift this year because she outgrew her other bike. So she was not super suprised, because she chose it out, but she was excited.

Then that night, she had a soccer game. And of course she cried because they played a really hard team and so she did not score any goals. And she wanted to score a goal on her birthday. But she still did awesome. Then that night she chose to go to Cafe Rio for dinner and then SubZero for Ice Cream. So we did that. And then we just came home opened presents from her brothers and sang Happy Birthday with some cupcakes. They were a little too full for cupcakes and ice cream, but we still sang Happy Birthday and lit candles. It was a nice day. I just still can't believe I have an 8 year old. I feel so old!

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